The Governing Body
What our Governors do
Our Governing Body is made up of members of our school, and local community. We work closely with the Executive Headteacher as part of the school leadership and take an active interest in what happens at Eastwood. We have responsibility for strategic planning and policy development. We work as a team to make sure the school provides a good quality education for all its pupils. You may contact the governors in writing via the school office.
If you are interested in becoming a governor at Eastwood please contact the Executive Headteacher on 0208 876 3976.
Current Governors
Please click the other governor information link at the bottom of the page for a list of current Governors.
- Professor Adam Ockelford (Co-opted) – Chair Full Governing Body & Safeguarding Governor
-## Chair of Governors
Vice Chair of Governors
- Clive Landa (Eastwood Day Nursery Governor)
Co-opted Governors
- Lotte Lydon (Teaching and Learning Committee Chair, Send Governor - Balham Nursery)
- Helen Thouless (Send Governor - Somerset Nursery)
- Khushroo Dastur ( Resources Committee Chair)
- Helen Tovey (Safeguarding Governor - Somerset Nursery)
Parent Governors
-Melanie Pollett (Safeguarding Governor - Balham Nursery)
-Susanna Giustiniani
-Valentine Obichigha (Health and Safety Governor)
- Francois Marshall
Staff Governors
- Russell Howard
- Fiona Treadaway
- Vacancy
Executive Headteacher
- Emma Williams
Associate members
- Camila Alton
- Kitty Devaney (Safeguarding Governor - Balham Nursery)
- Fiona Combe
Curriculum and Achievement
This committee looks at the standard of education and care we provide and develops policy in relation to the curriculum- the range of experiences, activities, knowledge, skills and attitudes we aim to provide for the children. The committee looks at how well children overall and groups of children at Eastwood make progress in their time with us.
The Resources sub-committee ensures that Eastwood is appropriately staffed and that proper policies and procedures are in place. The Committee helps to ensure that Eastwood recruits high quality people with the correct checks and processes in place. The Committee ensures that Eastwood manages its finances appropriately. It agrees the annual budget and monitors expenditure carefully ensuring resources are used to benefit the children and community.
The Governing Body has many specific responsibilities as defined in the School Governance Regulations. They include;
- The responsibility for the conduct of the school.
- Setting targets in standards and achievement.
- Statutory responsibilities regarding Special Educational Needs and Disability.
- Ensuring policies relating to the school’s operation are prepared and are reviewed regularly.
- Providing information for parents.
- Financial management and meeting the Schools Financial Values Standards.
- Personnel matters, including staff appointments as appropriate.
- Management and maintenance of buildings.
- Pupil discipline and behaviour.
- Monitoring and evaluating the activities of the school.
- Drawing up an Action Plan after an inspection by OFSTED and overseeing its implementation.
The Governing Body delegates all of its functions to a committee and the day to day running of the school and decisions to the Executive Headteacher.