Beech Class and Maple Class
Beech class is a large, bright airy classroom with a door leading to our exciting outdoor area via a raised decked terrace. Maple class is large and spacious room with a door straight out into the garden. Staffing includes a fully qualified teacher in each class and three Early Years Practitioners both classes qualified teacher , who each take a ‘key person’ role to ensure that children feel safe and secure and that parents have a key contact. Children start each session in a their base classroom and they can then choose whether to be inside or outside or which room they want to be in.
Chestnut Class
Chestnut Class is a resource base with 10 full time equivalent places for children with a recognised social communication need. Some of the children have been diagnosed as having Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The team includes a qualified specialist Teacher, a Nursery Nurse, an Occupational Therapist a Speech Therapist and Learning Support Assistants. Whilst the children are fully included in the life of the nursery school and especially outdoor play, they benefit from a structured daily programme to help them develop important communication, social and play skills.

Outdoor and Forest School
Outdoor play
The Nursery School has an exciting outdoor area where the provision encourages as much learning outside as inside! Our sandpit, forest area, mini-allotment, forest cabin and campfire area add interest to the large bright open area where children can move fast and free and enjoy learning out of doors. As with the day nursery, the outdoor area is available throughout most of the day - therefore we ask that children have suitable clothing to allow them to play outside whatever the weather!